#sorry for the rambles i'm sleepy tired
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pots-sibly · 8 hours ago
When I flared so bad in November that I physically couldn't be out of bed for more than like. Two or three minutes at a time. I did a loooooot of doomscrolling, to the point where I felt like I was mentally back in the place I was as a teenager when I had no friends and spent every waking minute on like instagram or something. I caught myself falling into habits I haven't had in years, like compulsively arguing with people online or engaging in content that made me mad or upset. If I was in the same place I was when I was younger, I would've just kept falling into that pit, but I know what it's like now to not feel that way, and I didn't want to go back.
So, I did the most logical thing to me: I went on Amazon and ordered a bunch of yarn and crochet supplies.
I haven't crocheted since I was in the single digits. My grandma tried to teach me, but I was never able to get past the chain stitch. Even so, I remembered absolutely loving it; I'd make chains out of whole balls of yarn and just like, have them in a drawer. I'd do it over and over again because I liked the colours and the repetitive motions. It was soothing to me.
I got a beginner's crochet book and started teaching myself other stitches. I was having really bad brain fog at the time, so I learned slow (and wrong), but I still learned. I made scarves for everyone in my family for Christmas that were way too long and just the same stitch over and over again. I took my yarn and hooks to the emergency room, to get blood work, to urgent care. I made a blanket that covers a double mattress and am hoarding yarn under my bed.
I'm just learning how to make other things, like stuffed animals and granny squares, but honestly I would probably be just as happy to make more mile-long chains. It's extremely calming (so much so that I fainted in the middle of doing a scarf in the ER once) and when I'm doing simple patterns, it's something I can do even with the fatigue and the brain fog. I no longer feel the need to engage with shitty people online or spend hours scrolling and rotting. I've successfully pulled myself out of doomscroll spirals with 'oh shit I need to finish that scarf/blanket/amigumuri'
I used to see posts like this going around and always felt a little defensive because I never really had anything like that. I was always so tired and sick and thought it was a personal failing, so someone being like 'hey maybe you should do something other than scroll instagram reels until you want to die' felt like a personal attack (yes, I was in a bad place). But it's literally so important to have Something like this and I'm so glad that I'm in a place now where I actually do
Most anti phone advice is so inane and regurgitated to me but one thing I’ve been thinking about for days is “social media is okay, but the real danger comes in when you think your phone should be your go to during your limited pockets of leisure” like that’s literally the truest thing ever
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silverselfshippingchaos · 14 days ago
sorry for not doing anything for valentine's day this year, but happy valentine's day! hope everyone had a good one!
#ash rambles 💚#it's just been a long day for me adhqjdhw i wish i could do more but I'm exhausted and tired and not the best I could be#wanted to send out some f/o letters but unfortunately i dont have it in me today 😔 I'm sorry#i only just got home#buuut#that means it's time to play y.akuza- because what else does ash do on valentine's day LMAAAOO#i havent put too much thought into what I'm doing with my f/os today and we don't have any big plans#but j.oongi and I both ended up buying each other the same bouquet of roses- which is just funny as hell ajdhqjdhs#methinks that ash and j.oongi went out for a bit but then went home and cuddled and talked. it's nothing special but they're so happy!#the weather is very gloomy today so it's nice to stay inside and cuddle and keep warm!#i think k.enzo and ash went out for a nice dinner too#but yeah i think all my ships just took it easy#I'm very exhausted from my life as of late and honestly i don't even care for valentine's day like that#so we're all just chilling#and making out but dw about that part#ok#back to y.akuza 7#I've got priorities#oh right I'll play the demo for the new game later today too! my ex texted and was like 'ASH YOU'VE GOTTA PLAY THE DEMO IT'S SO PEAK-'#and he's my friend and i trust his judgment#and also i wanna play dress up with m.ajima LMAO#maji love love love~!#not my favorite y.akuza character but i do very much like him! it's gonna be a while till i play the game though bcs I'm still on 7#okay back to y.akuza and cuddling some f/os ajdkahd been a little insecure about some of my ships as of late but rn I'm honestly too sleepy#to be sad about them#y.akuza will wake me up! I'm at that point where you give the money for the election in chapter 12#time to leave ijincho!!!!!#oh#right#like a flowing wind 🔳
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theheirofthesharingan · 1 year ago
imagine if itachi didn't die and he got a chance to live could he be redeemed for his actions? he'd helped them in the war, how do you think Konoha would react to him after knowing he undid edo tensei?
The unqualified truth is that Itachi's actions were irredeemable from the start. He could spend his entire lifetime taking care of Sasuke and helping him heal from the damage he'd caused him, but even then there was no redemption for the killings he'd done. As an Akatsuki too the list of his crimes would be too long. And he knew all of it.
The reason he inspires sympathy in readers' hearts is that he wasn't deluded about his actions and the gravity of their consequences. He never thought 'oh, i'm a victim. can i ever be happy?' He took full responsibility of his actions rather than victimizing himself and even went to extremes to ensure he was punished rightfully by the person he had wronged the most - Sasuke.
When he met Sasuke in the woods after his death his first instinct wasn't to chastise Sasuke for becoming a "criminal". He knew it was his own doing and Sasuke shouldn't be blamed for that. He didn't go 'I did it because I had no other options' etc.
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Furthermore, I have very mixed feelings about Itachi living or surviving his battle against Sasuke. For his own sake, I don't want him to live. The way he'd been damaged since his childhood and found peace only with his death, living would only mean extended sufferings and torment.
For Sasuke's sake, however, I want him to live. Sasuke loved many people - Naruto, his own parents, but he never loved anyone like he loved Itachi. Worse still - Itachi destroyed his life. Sasuke would only need Itachi to find some sort of comfort and closures, and if not he'd much rather die by his side.
Forgiveness, redemption etc., are shallow words in context of Itachi's life and his death. Not only there was none for what he'd done, it would never be enough for his own healing whether he lived or not. What could redemption or being forgiven really achieve after being pushed into hell by the grown ups around him?
He knew very well his actions were unforgivable and that's what he told Sasuke too. Sasuke forgiving him is a reflection of Sasuke's character rather than Itachi's.
Coming to the second part of the question -
Konoha didn't care about Itachi, or Sasuke for that matter. Once Edo Tensei was undone, war went onto becoming more and more grave until Kaguya was defeated. The prejudices against the clan would affect Itachi just as much as it did in the past, when the only one witness of the clan's tragedy would be him. Homura and Koharu might or might not open their mouths "for the sake of the village" that too after the war when keeping up their good image of Konoha was so important to all of them.
Itachi, along with Sasuke, would probably move into a little cabin where he wasn't disturbed by the responsibilities and burdens of being a Shinobi anymore. Team Taka might accompany them. Plus, whether his name is cleared or not would always be Itachi's call. And he wouldn't want his name to be cleared either since it might make the matters more complicated for the world on the whole.
And that would still be much better than Kakashi and Naruto deciding to follow Itachi's words verbatim of keeping the truth a secret, because it won't be affecting Sasuke all that much. Itachi's truth coming out, again, was more important for Sasuke than it was for him, in my opinion. But when Sasuke could be with Itachi, he would gradually come to understand his brother's pov on this matter, because for sasuke being with Itachi is always going to be more important than anything.
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gophergal · 2 years ago
What do you think about the lack of importance Edenia have in the last (and probably in the upcoming too) games?
Seriously, it makes me really Sad. Edenia was so important in the first timeline. What the hell happened? Only a few characteres mention this realm in MKX
It sucks. Big time
If you'll note, basically none of the realms matter anymore, aside from Earthrealm and Outworld.
Sure, the Netherrealm exists, but that's pretty much it. Dreamrealm is of dubious canonicity (introduced to explain Freddy Krueger as a guest fighter, then used to explain Tremor's glow up. Given he isn't shown in the storyline and arcade endings aren't canon in that game, I don't feel comfortable saying "yeah. That's important to the story"), and means nothing to the plot.
Chaosrealm and Orderrealm also don't show up despite being neat concepts.
What I'm getting at is that it makes the MK universe feel small. Edenia is only part of the problem, but I think it's a good example. Mortal Kombat feels more focused on nostalgia bait, Realistic Graphics, and more grisly Kombat than being, y'know, Mortal Kombat. None of that is necessarily Bad, but it's making it feel a little generic to me.
Maybe it's my bias and nostalgia, but that's just wrong. I'm not saying they need to bloat the worldbuilding, that would suck too. I'm just saying that they have these fun concepts, could they PLEASE do something with them???
Not to be the "they changed it, and now it sucks" guy, but I really love the original timeline's absurd worldbuilding. That's a major draw for me. Not only is it absurd, but it was constantly rolling and acquiring new and interesting bullshit. To me, that gave it a personality.
The original timeline feels like you took Enter the Dragon, the Matrix, Magic the Gathering, and classic slasher films, mixed it all up, then used it to bread and batter the gameplay. Deepfry that sonuvabitch until golden brown and serve it hot. Its the fried fish and hush puppies of gaming. I wouldn't say that it's Good For Me, but it's fucking delicious.
Its also not widely palatable and, just as Long John Silver's isn't exactly a big name restaurant, MK was kinda in a slump for a while, profit wise.
I think what happened is they cut back the weirder shit in order to make the games more popular. Its a chicken tender now. Not bad, but it's more of a "I'll take it if there's nothing better/nothing else I feel comfy eating" dish. Still not Good For Me, but often dressed up to seem healthier. By which I mean "able to be taken seriously by more people." The worldbuilding is more Serious ™️, so is the Gameplay. Don't get me started on the State Of The art Graphics.
Its all done this way for profit reasons. I don't doubt that folks on the team are still passionate about the games, but you can't forget that NRS is owned by a bigger company than Midway was. There's more executive meddling, so we see less of the more niche worldbuilding elements like Edenia
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babacontainsmultitudes · 1 year ago
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HIHIHI BABS <33333333 🥺💝
HI CAL HI CAL!!! 💜💜💜
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queerofthedagger · 2 years ago
my proposal to u. i was charmed by your ability to sleep a lot 🫶
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fysss my love yes please I'd like to give me my very sleepy hand in marriage 🥺💍💖
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jtownraindancer · 9 months ago
for some reason that makes me think of when I worked front desk for B[redacted]n hotel chain. They refused to hire enough staff, and it wasn't uncommon for me to pull 16-hour shifts.
when I'd finally get home for a few blessed hours of sleep, one of the other receptionists would call me asking me some of The. Dumbest. Questions. which, hey, okay. I'm an understanding person. there was a lot to do there and keep tabs on. so I'd answer the questions, printed out helpful logs and charts and step-by-step binders for different things (night audit, laundry, breakfast set-up & tear down, resetting room keys, printing out housekeeping schedules, navigating crazy knife-weilding abusive exes of housekeeping staff out of the hotel without getting someone stabbed, replacing the soap in the bathrooms, etc etc).
but after about 3 months of making only $8/hour and running on 4 hours of sleep a night (if I was lucky) I finally said fuck it.
I had reached the point when I was very seriously considering Harming Myself so I would admitted into the hospital, and let me have a few days away from the place.
they fucked me over on taxes; they never withheld a single CENT from my paychecks (in spite of my W4s), but luckily the paid interest on my student loans balanced me back. they offered no insurance of any kind. they were truly no benefits whatsoever. and they didn't offer lunch breaks.
working in amerikkka is a fucking nightmare, and I would kill for even half the protections and privileges so many of these other nations get.
all lunch breaks should be paid im serious. im not even enjoying this im literally just making sure i dont pass out or something. this is part of The Job as far as im concerned
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jaeeyaaasworld · 11 months ago
Single Mother Next Door - CL16
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Featuring: Charles Leclerc x Reader
Warnings: reader is a single mother, mention of an awful ex, reader was in an abusive relationship, Charles is literally so sweet that it makes my own teeth rot, GLASSES CHARLES (of course it's a warning)
Requested: Yes/No
Charles yelled without even realizing, his headphones blocking even his own voice.
it was one in the morning and his loud laugh was resonating in the whole apartment.
what he didn't know was that, on the other side of his wall, there was a little eleven months old baby trying to sleep, with little success because of his loud yells.
the baby started crying right on the spot, making his mom run to him from the kitchen, where she was still cleaning.
"oh I know, baby"
you whispered, picking your baby up and trying to calm him down as possible, but as soon as the kid seemed to close his eyes for a little longer another yell came from the apartment next to yours.
you couldn't take it anymore, you had to do your stuff and quickly go to sleep to at least have a few hours of sleep before you had to get up and get your baby in daycare to go to work.
so, with the baby in your arms, you walked out of your apartment and knocked on your neighbor's door a few times.
Charles was turning off his stream and taking his headphones off when he heard someone knocking on his door, making him frown his eyebrows.
he looked at the time and it was 1 AM, who could be knocking on his door at 1 AM?
Charles got up from his seat and walked out of the room to go answer the door.
as soon as he opened the door he was met with a pretty young woman with a toddler in her arms, she was almost panicking as the baby in her arms was crying while hugging her neck tightly.
"hi, I'm the girl that lives next door. I'm really, really sorry to spoil your fun, but my toddler can't sleep and he keeps crying so can I ask you to, please, maybe, keep your voice slightly lower?"
you started rambling, rocking up and down with the baby in your arms to try and soothe him to sleep.
Charles slightly widened his eyes at the sight, gulping the lump that had formed in his throat.
"yeah, of course. I'm really sorry, I didn't know you had a toddler, I never heard him cry so..."
he started, as the toddler got up from your shoulder as he heard Charles' new voice.
his eyes were a bit puffy and his nose was a bit red from crying, he was watching Charles couriosly, making Charles smile at him while bending down slightly to see eye to eye with the sleepy toddler.
"hi, baby. I'm really sorry if I woke you up, I promise I will try to keep it down in the future for you and your momma"
Charles smiled at the toddler, making you smile at the interaction between the two.
"well, I'm sorry if I bothered you. I'm gonna go back to my apartment, see you around maybe..."
you said in an interrogative way.
"oh- Charles, nice to meet you"
he said with a smile.
"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you as well. oh- and thank you for understanding"
you replied with the same smile.
a smile that made Charles realize actually how beautiful you were.
you were tired, slight bags under your eyes as your tired smile stretched yours lips.
"i-it's nothing, really"
he stuttered out a bit and his cheeks turned slightly red as you entered back into your apartment, your toddler collapsing back on your shoulder as he tried to sleep again.
Charles closed his apartment door behind his back, his eyes still widened as he scrambled to search for his phone and dialing Lando's phone number.
Lando was the closest one to him, as he lived in the same apartment building in Monaco just two floors above him.
"what is it? we just got off the stream, Charles"
his friend asked, as soon as he picked up the call.
"is there a chance that you know a mother that lives in this building?"
Charles whispered to his phone, he now knew that his walls were thin as paper.
"I don- I don't think there's a mother in our apartment building, at least in my floor"
he said, thinking about the people that he saw enter or exit the hall while he was in there for any reason, but then he frowned his eyebrows.
"why are you whispering, mate?"
Lando asked his friend, confused on why his friend would whisper like that while he should be alone in his house.
"well, my walls are thin as shit and my neighbor can hear basically everything I say"
Charles whispered again, making Lando burst out laughing at his comment.
"are you serious, mate?"
he asked, still laughing as hard as Charles as ever heard and making the man sigh as he closed his eyes and started rubbing his fingers on his closed eyelids.
"yes, she is a mother and I've been keeping her toddler awake the whole night"
Charles said, making Lando laugh even harder at him and his situation.
"oh my god, mate. I would never want to be in your shoes. did she lash out at you or did she send her husband for you?"
Lando asked Charles, still giggling.
"no, actually she came to my door really calmly and asked politely if I could keep my voice down a bit"
Charles told his friend, throwing his own body on the couch while still keeping his phone to his ear to still hear his friend talk.
"and how was she? hot?"
asked Lando.
"Lando, you only think about this stuff... yeah, she's hot"
he whispered back to his friend and getting another laugh in return, but this time Lando's laugh made Charles smile and let out a small chuckle.
"go to sleep now, mate"
Lando said, a big yawn came from his side of his phonecall, which made Charles yawn with him.
"yeah, I better go to sleep now. goodnight, Lando"
Charles greeted, getting an hum from Lando as he hung up the phone, and he got up from his place on the couch to walk into his bedroom to get dressed in his pyjamas and go to sleep.
a toddler's cry could be heard from the other side of the wall, making him stop in his track and look towards the wall where the cry was coming from.
he knew it wasn't his fault this time, but he couldn't help but feel guilty for waking him up the first time.
so he felt in the right and a little in dept to try and make the baby calm down as soon as possible so that you could go to sleep and finally get the rest you needed.
Charles walked towards the piano in his apartment, sitting in the little seat that was in front of the black and white tiles.
he placed his hands on the tiles delicately and started playing one of his songs slowly and lowly, he was sure that the sound of the music could be heard from the other side of the wall, reaching his neighbor's apartment.
Charles slowly stopped hearing the sound of the toddler's cry, a smile showing up on his face as he kept playing softly for your kid.
after a few minutes he stopped playing, the sound of silence was so good, and just the thought that he was able to make your toddler stop crying fumbled with his heart.
he reluctantly got up from the seat and walked back to his bedroom, laying on his bed with his arm under his head, staring at his ceiling and still thinking about you and your cute little baby.
time skip: a week later
"mate- how is it going with the neighbor?"
Lando asked Charles as they walked into the hall of their apartment building, going towards the elevator while taking their home keys out of their pockets.
"I didn't see her since that day, but that night her kid started crying again and I played the piano for him"
Charles replied, pressing his floor button on the little plate in the elevator, and Lando gasped lightly at what he said.
"and it worked?"
he asked as the elevator doors closed with them inside.
"of course it worked, what did you think?"
Charles chuckled.
"I did it a couple times and he always calms down really quickly"
he said as the elevator dinged and the doors opened to Charles' floor, and as soon as the doors opened a man's voice yelling could be heard.
"please- calm down, there's people sleeping"
a little female voice was heard right after the yelling, making Charles and Lando both step out of the elevator and look more into the situation.
Charles' eyes widened immediately as he saw a man in front of your door, yelling and pushing you into the wall.
"you think I care about the people sleeping on this fucking floor? everyone should know here that you're a fucking whore"
the man yelled again, grabbing your jaw harshly and pushing you into the wall aggressively.
Charles couldn't take it anymore and he decided it was time for him to step in and stop the whole altercation.
he walked up to you two and grasped the man's wrist to yank him away from you, and the two men finished eye to eye, even though the man was slightly shorter then Charles.
"what are you doing, mate?"
Charles asked the man, putting himself between the man and you, as the man scoffed.
"and who are you, huh? her new play thing?"
he asked while gesturing his hands around, making Charles furrow his eyebrows and reach behind himself to flush your body to his back, your hands grabbing his shirt at his sides tightly.
"what if? who even are you?"
Charles asked, nodding his chin towards him and making a step forwards in almost a threatening way.
"you know, the father of the kid you are probably acting like a father to?"
the man said, making Charles realize that he was probably your ex and the father of your kid.
Charles stayed silent, deciding that it was time to end this whole thing right now before it escalated any further.
"when are you gonna let me see my kid, Y/n?"
the man asked, bending his body to the side to look at you, but Charles body blocked his whole sight and he couldn't even get a glimpse of you.
"when he is able to tell me what happens"
you say, getting into your house quickly and closing the door behind your back with a loud sound.
"this bitch-"
the man tried to get close to the door of your apartment, but Charles stopped him, basically getting in his face.
"if you don't get out of this building as soon as I can even think about it, I will get to know where you work, where you live and take everything down real soon"
he said, making the man take a few steps back, his face a little paler than earlier but still trying to be big and bad.
"and how would you do that, huh? who even are you?"
the man asked, making Charles scoff.
"you don't need to know, the only thing you need to know is that here you will probably see my face everywhere in Monaco and you will never be able to forget about what I did to your life"
the man started taking slow steps back, walking towards the end of the corridor, where the elevator was still open and waiting for him.
as this all happened, Charles realized that Lando was still standing there a bit shocked and staring at him like he was crazy.
"can you check that he really gets out? I need to check on her"
he said, turning towards your door as soon as Lando nodded his head at his request and walked to the elevator right after the man.
Charles softly knocked on your door.
"go away"
you said from the inside, making Charles' heart clench.
"it's Charles, can you open the door, please?"
he asked as softly and lowly as possible.
you slowly opened the door, letting him walk inside, careful not to step onto some toys that your kid had left around.
a little sniffle came from you that were behind him and Charles turned towards you to pull you into a tight hug.
"you wanna talk about it?"
he asked you softly, getting a shake of your head in return.
"it's okay, I don't need to-"
his words were cut off by a baby's cry that made you get out of the hug, but Charles stopped you while putting his hands on your upper arms.
"can I go?"
Charles asked, getting an hesitant nod from you and going towards the little bed that was in the living room to get the baby in his arms.
he started swaying side to side, humming lowly the melody of his song that he usually played on the piano to calm him down, while Y/n sat on the small couch that was on the side of the small bed.
the baby slowly started calming down, getting back to sleep pretty quickly so that Charles could place the baby back down onto the bed and sit on the couch next to you.
"he was abusive"
you started, making Charles look at you sweetly.
"you don't have to-"
Charles got cut off by you.
"no, I have to"
you said, taking in a deep breath and continuining on what you were saying.
"he was abusive, but when I got pregnant with Joe I decided that it was time for us to go. I couldn't bare loose my kid because of him, I lost already too much because of him. so I went away but he soon found out where I was working and where I was living and I had to change again. I was able to do eleven months living here, but now he found out and I don't know what to do. I mean- you were here now but you will not be here all the time and I would never expect you to and-"
you started rambling really quickly, making Charles stop you with an hand.
"you can trust me that he will not bother you anymore around here"
he said, drawing a low giggle from you that made his eyebrows furrow.
"did you threaten him or something?"
you asked jokingly as Charles smiled at your soft giggle.
"yeah, something like that"
he replied jokingly, with another low chuckle.
"thank you, anyway"
you suddenly said as Charles smiled at you.
"for what?"
he asked, even though he could imagine what it was for, he still wanted to hear you say that.
"for playing the piano for my son and for protecting me today"
you said, looking at him with a soft smile that made Charles' heart skip a beat.
"that's really nothing"
he said, returning the same smile back at you.
"hey, uhm... I know, maybe it isn't the best time to ask something like that but, would you go on a date with me sometime? nothing soon, I mean- if you're ready soon would be lovely but if you're not it's okay- I'll stop talking, yeah"
Charles rambled in embarrassment, getting a small chuckle from you on his side.
"I would love to, but Joe-"
you didn't even get to say anything that Charles already found the solution to any problem that could have popped up, as he probably had already thought about these type of problems.
"you could both come to my house and I could even play the piano for him so that he could fall asleep while you rest a bit with me"
he tried, making you chuckle and nod your head.
"then... tomorrow at 7 PM?"
Charles asked for confirmation, getting a nod in return as you both got up from the couch and walked towards your apartment door.
"well, goodnight, Charles. see you tomorrow"
you said, opening your arms to give him an hug.
"goodnight, Y/n"
he replied, tightening the hug just a tiny bit before letting go and exiting your apartment to enter his own.
time skip: the day after at 7 PM
a soft knock on Charles' door stopped his attempts at cooking to dry his hands on his apron to go open his door.
the sight of you dressed up in a cute dress with a big bag on your shoulder and Joe on your hip made Charles gasp slightly.
"you look so good"
Charles said, placing an hand on your upper arm to lean over and kiss your cheek, then turning towards Joe and taking him from your arms to throw him in the air playfully.
"and aren't you handsome all dressed up like a true gentleman"
he complimented the little kid, that was dressed up in a toddler sized tux, placing him on his hip and taking the big bag from your shoulder and placing it on his own shoulder.
"you look good as well, so domestic and so gentleman taking all my bags"
you complimented, smiling widely at Charles and getting on your tiptoes to place an hand on his shoulder to kiss his cheek.
"oh- I'm trying to cook you pasta, the last time I tried cooking it was kinda crunchy, but this time, I put a timer on the right time"
he said, placing the bag down on a barstool and still holding Joe on his hip while he went over to the kitchen to check on the pasta he was cooking.
you watched the whole scene from the doorstep of the kitchen, watching your date cook in his kitchen with your baby on his hip like he was his own kid.
"Joe eats the same things we do, right? I did some research yesterday and google told me that eleven months old eat the same thing adult do"
he asked, searching your face for something to confirm or deny what he was saying and getting a sure nod in return.
the timer on his phone ringed and you took Joe from Charles' arms so that he could get the pasta out of the water and into the pan with the condiment.
he plated everything as you sat down at the table with Joe on your leg, Charles placed the plates on the table and you started eating with Charles feeding Joe a few times when you were busy eating yourself.
the conversation kept flowing between you two and Joe soon got full and wanted to get down from your lap, but you tried to keep him in your lap since you didn't know if Charles was okay with your toddler snooping around in his apartment.
"oh, no. let him down, please. it's alright"
Charles said, noticing how you didn't want to let your kid down, so you finally let Joe get on the floor and roam around, you and Charles watching him as he reached a chair to slowly get up on his feet.
"he can walk?"
the man asked as you took a sip from your glass of wine.
"not yet, he's getting ready for it"
you replied, putting the wine glass down and getting up to go clean the dishes out of habit, but Charles stopped you by gently wrapping his fingers around your wrist that was grabbing the plate you used.
"oh no, I'll do it, you can chill with Joe over here"
he said, taking the dishes that you used and took them to the kitchen to place them in the sink, you smiled as he put his apron back on and you leaned on the kitchen island with your glass of wine while watching your son trying to paddle around and falling to his butt sometimes.
you watched around his living room, as Joe got closer to his piano, and the long line of big champagne bottles on his shelf caught you eye.
"what's up with all those bottles?"
you asked him, as you put your glass down to go to your kid as he started crawling towards Charles' couch.
"they're the champagne bottles from my podiums"
he explained quickly to you, since he was trying to load the dishwasher as quick as possible to get back to you and your kid.
"that's so cool"
you said, smiling up at the bottles as you sat on his couch as your son kept crawling around the coffee table in front of it.
you looked at the time and noticed that it was already 9:45 PM, looking at your son and how he started rubbing his eyes with sleep, picking him up from the ground and walking towards the kitchen to let Charles know.
"hey, Joe is really sleepy, so I think is time for me to go back"
you said, a sad smile on your face, you really didn't want to go back to your apartment yet, but you couldn't leave your son alone to get back here.
"or you could let Joe sleep on my bed and you could come back here with me- I mean, if you want to and if your comfortable of course"
he said, rubbing his neck shyly, his cheeks slightly red from embarrassment, making you chuckle.
"are you sure? that would mean that you would have to endure me for the whole night"
you warned him, since you couldn't pick up Joe in the middle of the night to take him back to your own apartment.
but your warning made Charles chuckle and smile warmly at you as he closed the loaded dishwasher and pulled off his apron.
"I could endure your company my whole life and never get tired of it, mon ange"
he said, getting closer to you and placing his hand on your upper arm with a loving smile.
"oh- that's so cheesy of you"
you teased him with a roll of your eyes and a smile.
"I'm gonna play the piano for Joe as you put him to sleep, is that good?"
Charles asked, getting a nod from you as you walked towards his room with the lights turned off as Joe already slumped on your shoulder.
the first notes of Charles song started playing and Joe was already starting to relax on your shoulder as you started rocking your body to slowly pull him to sleep.
as the song was done for the second time you were getting out of Charles' room, pulling the door almost closed behind your back.
Charles noticed you really quickly, turning around in his piano's seat with a smile as you smiled back at him.
he placed one of his legs on the other side of the seat, so that you could sit on front of him.
he patted the seat in front of him to call you over and you sat with both your legs to the outer side of the seat, sitting between his legs as his right hand went on your lower back and his left hand rested on your thigh.
"you look so pretty tonight, have I told you already?"
he whispered in your ear as he rested his chin on your shoulder, his words and his breath on your neck made you giggle softly.
"yes, a few times already"
you said, turning your face towards him and smiling at him, your noses almost touching from how close you were to each other faces.
a small giggle came from him as your noses touched, left to right and then back right to left.
"I wanna kiss you so bad, right now. can I do it? can I kiss you?"
he asked in a whisper, making you smile and nod at his words.
your lips finally touched and the kiss was soft and slow, a soft smile stretching your lips as his hands pulled you closer by your waist and you placed your hand on his jaw, pulling him closer and closer.
he smiled as he felt your lips stretch in a smile, slightly pulling away to look at you and smile widely.
"why are you smiling?"
Charles whispered on your lips, making you chuckle and using your hand to fix some of his hair that didn't want to stay in their place.
"cause you make me feel good..."
you said, pecking his lips just to pull back again and leave him leaning forward slightly to chase your lips.
"... and safe"
you added in a whisper, making him smile widely and turn you around so that you were leaning your back on his chest as he moved your hair to one side to expose your bare neck and shoulder because of your dress.
"I will treat you and Joe better then him, you can count on that"
Charles whispered, placing soft pecks to the juncture between your neck and your shoulder and making you giggle as his breath slightly tickled you.
"I'm gonna trust you on that"
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gloomweed · 3 months ago
Metal as Fuck
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a/n: was having a bad period last month and my only cure was to fantasize about Eddie taking care of me. here's this little blurb I came up with so all of us with a period can cope.
warning: discussions of menstruation and blood, but nothing graphic wc: 1500~
It was that time of the month again, and it was positively aggressive this time around. Despite wearing a pad to bed, you wake in the early hours of the morning to a wet feeling in your nether regions. You pull your comforter back in a panic to see you’ve bled through your pajama pants and onto your sheets. “Goddamn it,” you swore under your breath at the sight of the mess. After cleaning up, soiled sheets and clothes in the wash and body freshly showered, you began to feel that familiar ache between your hips. Not only was it the muscles in your back at the base of your spine, but also just below your stomach. Kneading the flesh of your lower back with a grimace, you make your way to the medicine cabinet for some pain killers. 
It’s only when you notice it’s missing that you remember that you used the last of it last month. Pills clatter as you search for any alternative you might have, but ultimately you find none. Giving up with a huff, head thrown back towards the ceiling, your brows furrow in annoyance as you run through your options. You really didn’t feel like going to the store right now, not when you feel like absolute shit. At the same time, if you don’t go you’re only going to continue to feel like shit for the rest of the evening. The pain in your abdomen is distracting you to the point you struggle to make a decision. Waking up so much earlier than usual was also not helping your thought process. Instead of choosing either choice, you curl up on the couch, laying under a throw blanket telling yourself you’ll go to the store later. 
An hour later, you’re awoken by the sound of the front door opening. Eddie makes his way in with the clatter of keys and heavy steps in his work boots. He toes them off at the door before turning to see you laying on the couch instead of sleeping soundly in your bed. Seeing your messy hair and sleepy squinted eyes, Eddie frowns apologetically. “Sorry, baby. I didn’t mean to wake you up.” He keeps his voice soft, not wanting to wake you up any further. After hanging his jacket on the coat hook, he strides over to place a kiss on the crown of your head as he snuggles up next to you. He puts his arms around you in a loose hug, simply holding you, as he huffs out a quiet yawn. “What are you doing out here?” 
Picking the crust out from the corner of your eye, you sigh with frustration. “I’m just having a shitty day.”
Eddie eyebrows pinch together, a small smirk on his face as he sits up. “It’s only,” he pauses to take a look at his watch, “6am. How is your day already shitty?” 
You mindlessly pick at a loose thread on your shirt as you recall your morning. “I bled through my pants and onto the bed, so I had to clean all that up, and even though I threw it all in the wash as soon as possible, I'm still worried that my underwear is gonna be stained.” You sigh, “And I just bought that pair.”
The nonchalance with which you shrug it off makes Eddie feel crazy. He knows that if he were in your shoes, he'd be unfathomably pissed if not terrified of the impromptu blood loss, but to you it's just another day. “Anyways, then I started having these horrible cramps. Like in my stomach and in my back at the same time. I would’ve taken some pain meds but we’re all out and I felt too shitty to go and get some more, so I just curled up on the couch hoping it would go away on its own which I know is not really productive, but-“ Eddie cuts off your tired rambling with another kiss to your head before pushing off of his knees with a groan, standing from the couch. “Wait- Where are you going?” 
He begins to slip his shoes on, not even bothering to look up at you as he answers. “Going to the store.”
You feel a sharp pang of fear that Eddie interpreted your venting as you demanding he fix it. “Oh, baby you don’t have to do that. You just got home from work, let me go and get it later. It’s not an emergency or anything.”  
Eddie smiles as he puts his jacket on. “You act like I’m gonna be pushing a rock up a mountain or something.” He faces you and shrugs, hands in his pockets. “I’ll be back in like 15 minutes, tops.” 
“Well I just… I don’t want to annoy you with it.” You shyly fiddle with the blanket in your lap. The little pout on your lips has Eddie smiling.
“Why not? You annoy me with plenty of other stuff.” His playful smirk brightens at the sight of your offended face. Eddie flinches away from the decorative pillow you lob at him from the couch. “I'm kidding, obviously,” he laughs. “Besides, you can't annoy me, sweetheart. As someone who actually is annoying, I pretty much have built up a tolerance for it. I’m unannoyable.” He rolls his shoulders back, boasting his self described title.
You smile at the sentiment. “I just mean, I don't want you to feel like you have to fix things for me. I was only venting, you know? I've dealt with a bad period before and I know I'll deal with a bad period again.” You shrug, “I'm used to it.”
Eddie's arms fall to his sides with a thump, looking at you in disbelief and partly sorrow. “Just because you're used to it doesn't mean I can't make it better.” 
His words leave you feeling a little stunned. “Oh.” Eddie makes it sound so simple, and really you knew that, but it was as if you never applied the concept to this situation before. When you think about bettering your life, it's usually things that are more tangible. Like reorganizing the closet, or giving that old dresser a fresh coat of paint, or sewing up a rip in a hoodie. Letting yourself be taken care of wasn’t something you had in mind.
From the beginning of first dealing with the burden of having a period, you were always told to just suck it up and accept it. After all, it was something nearly half of the Earth's population has to deal with. It wasn't like you were different and deserving of special treatment. There was also the matter of feeling like it was something you couldn’t bring up, not to mention the embarrassment of having an uncontrollable bodily function. Periods were something to be ashamed of and never openly discussed. At least, that’s how you were raised. It felt like a forbidden topic, so how were you ever meant to seek any kind of help for it? Seeing people take care of their loved ones who are on their period is something you didn't grow up seeing, so it never even occurred to you.
Eddie takes a step closer to hold your hands. When your spaced out expression focuses on his intense button eyes, he tilts his head to his shoulder with a closed lip smile. “I want to take care of you, sweetheart. Even if you think you don't need it because you're super fuckin’ metal.” Despite the scoff that brushes passed your lips, you're still smiling. “I'm serious!” Eddie insists. “You woke up in a puddle of blood and you brushed it off like it was nothing. That's metal as fuck.” 
The way he stares with so much genuine love and admiration makes you blush. As is your way, you try to downplay the compliment anyways. “I don't think that counts as metal, Eds.”
“Well it does to me.” Still holding your hands, he swings them from side to side with a childlike smirk before dipping down for a kiss. Eddie hums contentedly against your lips as you snake your arms around each other. When your hands reach up to tangle at the hairs on the nape of his neck, his hands cradle your face, the rough pads of his thumbs brushing over the apples of your cheeks. Eventually, you separate with a quiet smack, Eddie walking backwards towards the door once again. He nearly trips on the pillow you threw earlier as he keeps his eyes intently on you. “I'll be back with some pain reliever and some of that candy you like. Okay?” 
Your face feels hot as you reply in a small voice. “Okay. Thank you, Eddie.” It's only when he's got a foot out the door that you find the courage to shout after him, “I love you!” Eddie is quick to turn around and shout back, “loveyoumore!” his urgency stringing his words into one. He tucks his chin in to give you a pointed look, as if shutting down all arguments about it before closing the door. All you can do is stare after him, your knight in dull black leather, and grin, hopelessly in love.
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minminbunny · 7 months ago
Ghost Roommate AU - Han Jisung/Gender Neutral! Reader
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💕Drabble Masterlist
❤️Ultimate Masterlist
You felt you blanket slowly slide off your shoulders. You furrowed your eyebrows and tugged the blanket back but there was an odd resistance. 'What the fuck,' you thought, lifting your head up. A pair of black hands slowly pulled themselves away. Your eyes widen, fear waking up your sleepy mind, "I'm just hallucinating," you whispered, clutching your plush. A soft whisper echoed in your ear, "I'm not a hallucination, darling," it said, sending shivers down your spine. A whimper escaped your lips, "Please don't hurt me," you whispered, praying to every god you knew. It chuckled, "How precious, I can hear your prayers from here," it said, smirking at your feeble attempt. You gulped, curling up, "What do you want from me?" you whispered, not wanting to know the answer.
Jisung smiled, "I just want company," he beamed, showing his true self. You blinked at him, "Eh?" you questioned, your eyes is disbelief as Jisung manifested himself. He stretched, arching his back, "It's been a while since this house had any attendants," Jisung said, reaching out his hand. You stared at him hand skeptical. Jisung whistled, "Right. I wouldn't be holding a random stranger's hand either," he said, nervously chuckling. You tilted your head, "What are you?" you asked, curious of the pers- no. Ghost? In front of you. Jisung smiled, "Well I'm a ghost. Like Casper, I'm friendly. I keep dust away from hard to reach places and stuff," he rambled, wanting to make a good impression with you. "So you're attached to the house?" you asked, trying to figure out why he's here. Jisung nodded, "Yeah. I've been here since the early 2000's but Halmeoni Yang says I act like a cheeky GenZ," he said, curious of your thoughts of him.
You raised an eyebrow, "Halmeoni Yang?" you asked, gradually lowering your guard. He nodded, "Your next door neighbor, she can see me too. She has two sons but their relationships are kinda messy," he said, over sharing once again. You nodded, "Okay," you whispered, trying to process everything. "Do you have a room or something?" you ask, wanting to know where he rests. Jisung nodded, "The guest room by the end of the hallway," he said, seeing you exhale deeply. You nodded, "I guess I have an rent free roommate then," you said, too tired to even cry about the insanity of the entire situation. Jisung beamed, "Yeah. I'll let you go back to sleep, sorry if I scared you," he said, gently patting your head. You yawned, burrowing your face into your plush, "Nite," you whispered, internally hoping it was a dream when you heard a soft whisper. "Sweet dreams, darling. We're going to have so much fun together," Jisung said, leaving the room.
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"It's cold, Ji," your whined, holding your legs apart. Jisung chuckled, thrusting his phantom tongue within your hole, "But your body is so fucking warm, darling," he purred, curling his tongue within your ribbed walls. "Hah, hah, ah," you moaned, bucking your hips to his thrusts. "Tsk, tsk. Does Master need to hold your needy hips down?" Jisung teased, wrapping his arms under your thighs in a tight hold. You mewled in relief, your hands free to claw against the bed. Jisung laughed, "You're so spoiled," he said, licking your puckering hole. You whined, "Please, please, please. Need you tongue inside," you begged, clenching around the air. Jisung smirked, aligning his mouth with your hole once more, "Don't forget to scream," he growled, burying his tongue deep within your fluttering throbbing hole. You arched your back, his name etched to your tongue as you moaned out. Your life blissful from being in love with a fucking ghost.
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justwonder113 · 1 year ago
Sleepy Minho has me!! Can you write a drabble about him coming home from like dance practice or something and he's just super tired and wants to cuddle with his s/o??
Your writes are Hella cute, love you! ❤️
Oh my God I'm so glad you like my writing, it means a lot to me!!! Also, thanks for requesting, words can not describe how much I loved writing this, sleepy Lee Know has me in different kind of chokehold❤️❤️❤️❤️
Also I'm really sorry it took me eons to write this. I really hope you'll like it❤️❤️
My Masterlist
If you like my work you can buy me coffee🩷
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WARNINGS⚠️ : Gender neutral reader, Some cursing. I don't know whar else to put here. If I missed something please tell me.
You were jolted awake from your sweet sluber by a most adorable but also really heavy furball jumping on your stomach. Soonie looked at you with curious eyes, unphased as if he didn't just crush your insides. The fluffball sure as hell knew you didn't have a bone in you to get mad at him. "What is it baby? Are you hungty or do you want to play?" Soonie meowed at you. Trying not to startle the cat you carefully straightened up. How long were you asleep? Your whole body felt sore. You searched for your phone and once you saw the time your eyes almost popped out. Where the hell was Minho? You jumped up from the sofa, not realy paying mind to Soonies disspleased whine. You quickly dialed your boyfriend's number and waited for him to answer, but he didn't so you tried again for a few times but to no avail. You knew he was extremely busy these days and that his schedule was hogged but he was supposed to be home a while ago! Also, the fact that he didn't say or text you anything made you worry even more. God why did you have to fall asleep? All you remembered was that after finishing up witch chores you sat down to take a breather. How did you even manage to fall asleep just like that? What if something had happened? Why wasn't he picking up? Should you call Chan? Maybe he knows something? You were starting to borderline panick when you heard the cats meowing at the door. They always did that when Minho was at the door. And in seconds you did hear the door click.
You quickly went to him and wrapped your arms tightly around him. He stumbled for a second but quickly returned the hug. "Hey baby." His voice was soft and quiet but it was apparent that he was really tired. He must have overworked himself again. You loved how dedicated and hardworking he was , but it also killed your heart to watch him neglect his needs to achieve perfection. He spent countless hours at work, barely slept and mostly had quick meals which mostly consisted of takeout. You tried to be as accommodating as possible. You did most of the chores in house, and whenever you had time you tried to make him nutritious lunch. But you could do so much.
You couldn't help but pout at him. "Where were you? You didn't even pick up your phone. I was really worried about you!" You couldn't hide your frustration anymore. "You're coming home later and later everyday. You barely sleep or eat! I'm not even going to start talking about how we barely see each other! You need to take care of yourself more baby, you should..." Minho didn't let you finish your ramble, he slid his hand from around your back to your neck and quickly pulled you towards him so he could kiss you. The kiss even though was short was so full of love and yearning that it almost made you melt. Good thing Minho was basically holding you or you would have fallen. "I'm sorry love, training lasted more than usual." Fuck, what were you even mad about? Minho's soft voice always made you weak in the kneez. Also the way he called you love? Bless your heart for lasting this long and not just randomly exploding on you. Little shit surely knew what he was doing to you.
Minho's voice bought you back to reality "Can we go to bed?" "Wait you're not hungry?" The disapproval in your voice made him smile. "I ate at work I promise. I'll take a quick shower. I want to go to bed cuddle you and just exist with you okay?" He paused for a second before bashfully adding sweetest please. Oh he said please there's no way uou could sat no to him. Not that you could, not to that offer. You wanted to tease him for showing his soft side for you but you decided against it once you looked into his eyes. He looked at you with such eyes, he could ask you to kill a man and you'd actually do it. You couldn't put it to words but you knew that he needed you and you were going to be here for him. It really hurt seeig him this tired and overworked. You knew he tried his best not to show it, every day despite being tired as hell he tried to help you with everything he could, be there for you even though he was the one who needed support now. His eyes were red and not sparkly as you're used to. His dark eyebags were prominent. He was a bit shouched and a bit paler. Seing him this vulnerable was like a dohble hit for your heart.
"Of course love. Get ready for bed, I'll put away food and I'll be back." You kissed his cheek and urged him to the bathroom.
You tried to take care of everything as fast as possible. You felt proud of yourself that you took care of most of the chores today. You praised yourself that you changed sheets and brought out new fluffy blankets.
Maybe you were being a bit selfish but it kind of excited you that you could finally spend some time with your boyfriend. You really missed spending time with him, not just existing in the same space. Whenever he came home he always fell asleep and you didn't have the heart to not let him rest little time he spent at home. It was natural you were feeling touchstarved.
You rushed to the bedroom as fast as possible once you were done. The sight almost made you squeal by sheer cuteness. Minho had almost completely covered himself in blankets and now was looking at you with sleepy eyes. The cats also took their designated places on the bed also looked at you as if waiting for you. Maybe you were a little delusional about the last part but wise people say delulu is the solulu.
Minho immediately opened his arms for you, lifting the cover for you to crawl in. You immediately jumped in, finally feeling content being between his arms, feeling his warmth, his familiar scent surroung you. Minho also hummed in satisfaction. "I've missed this so much" you couldn't help but admit. "Please tell me you don't have anything tomorrow and that we can just be in house all day." You looked up at him with hopeful eyes. You saw the corner of his mouth slightly lift up. He leaned down and literally kissed your pout away, not that you could actually be mad at him.
"I'm sorry baby, I have to go in the morning. But I promise I will be back before you even wake up. I will also bring you some breakfast and we can do whatever you want okay? I'm all yours." You couldn't help but beam with joy. Finally he has some time off. "So you're telling me I can make you do anything? Be careful all this power might go up to my head." You quietly spoke as you played with his hair, Minho only hummed. Instead of talking he fully turned to you and hid his face in the crook of your neck, tightly holding you close by your waist.
Sleepy Minho surely was your favourite. He always got like 100 times more squishy and adorable. Literally you had to have patience of a God to not pounce on him and civer his face with kisses. Maybe not only kisses. His cheek was so cutely smushedand his slightly open prettiest pouty lips? You were just a human! You really didn't want to disturb him or else you would have chomped on his squishy cheek eons ago. Cuteness aggression really was eating you from the inside.
"Baby go to sleep. I can feel you staring." Minho grumbled out after a while. So he was awake huh? You couldn't help but smile. You slid your hand through his hair and started playing with his soft locks. Minho immediately leaned into the touch. You were sure he would start purring if he could.
"It's not my fault love." You admitted and softly kissed his cheek. " I've been starved of my boyfriend for days, and now you're here cuddling me looking all pretty and cute! And here I am being generous and letting you sleep on me while all I want is to literally cover you with kisses! And this is the thanks I get?" Based on the silence that followed you thought that he fell asleep, but you were proven wrong when he held your waist tightly with one hand while the other held onto your thigh, and soon enough you were on top of him looking into his mischevious eyes. Apart from his sparkling eyes his lazy grin was also a clear indicator that he was up to no good.
"What are you doing?" You couldn't help but ask.
"First of all you need to spend less time with Hyunjin. Also to answer your question, I'm being a good boyfriend. My partner just said that they want to cover me with kisses. Who am I to oblige?" You were the one who spent too much time with Hyunjin? What was up with these theatrics then? You couldn't help but grin at his lovable but also really silly antics. " You're annoying do younknow that?" You muttered against his lips, softly holding his cheeks. Minho moved his hands and put them on top of yours. "Shut me up then." He didn't even wait for you to say anything, he just leaned in and connected his lips to yours, slowly but surely melting your thoughts away. God you really loved this idiot.
Reblogs and feedback are greatlyappreciated^^
If you like my work you can buy me coffee🩷
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silverselfshippingchaos · 1 month ago
this moment is so cute
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poke-me-with-a-stick · 1 year ago
More DpxDc sleepy rambles!
What if blob ghost were more like bees than bottom feeders?
Like, they go around collecting small amounts of ectoplasm from everywhere, even environments that don't have a lot to give, and take it back to a 'hive' to stockpile. Only, because they are ghosts and not actually bees, they usually gather more than they need to survive. This would make them a lifeline for any ghost that stays in the material plane. If they're stuck in a place devoid of ambient ecto, they just have to find a blob ghost and follow them back to their hive!
But what happens when the ambient ecto is contaminated, like a bee collecting sugar from a non-natural source? You get contaminated honey(ecto), which can't sustain a ghost long term. Wether the blobs fade due to lack of proper nutrition, or they leave to make a new hive in a less toxic environment, they end up leaving the contaminated ecto behind. These abandoned hives are Lazarus pits.
(Sorry if this makes 0 sense, I'm super tired and my head hurts. But I needed to talk about the bee blobs)
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 8 months ago
Yeah I got a request. Cuddles with mommy characters of your choice would heal me of my ailments, like a victorian child who would be soothed by seeing the sea one final time before the affliction takes hold
(Genshin Impact/H:SR/GFL) Cuddling with Lisa, Yae, Yelan, Himeko, Natasha, Springfield, and RO635
That's...oddly specific.
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Lisa cuddling with her S/O is comfortable and very lazy.
Whether it be reading a book, drinking tea, or simply enjoying each other's warmth, there will be nothing productive done that day.
But in order to achieve such heavenly bliss, they will have to work doubly hard right before, so that way they can lounge about with no risk of worrying about work.
That, or she'll find excuses. If it's raining, then oh well! Nothing to do but relax at home.
With her eyes slowly fluttering open, her head rests into the crook of S/O's neck, latching onto them with both her arms.
(Lisa) yawn "It's so early in the morning..."
S/O's eyes glance over to the wall before sighing.
(S/O) "It's ten."
(Lisa) "Hm...still too early, cutie..."
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Though cuddling with Yae can lull S/O a somewhat sleepy state, somehow they feel like that's exactly what she wants.
Yae's smile seems to indicate she has something up her sleeve.
(Yae) "Oh? Why are you getting so antsy of all a sudden, S/O?"
(S/O) "I know that look, Miko..."
(Yae) "Do you now? Is it truly so mind-boggling that I too, can enjoy just some regular affection?"
...A moment of silence gives her the answer.
With a flick of their forehead, her hand playfully mimics a fox with her fingers.
(Yae) "Sorry to disappoint dear, but I just wish to spend some quality time today.~"
She of course, jumpscares them later to which she laughs endlessly about.
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Yelan rolled the dice, and have dictated to her that she take a break.
And she wasn't really feeling like finishing the rest of work anyway, so this works out.
(Yelan) "Not planning on moving anywhere for a while, S/O?"
(S/O) "Guess not with you laying on me like this."
(Yelan) "Perfect, don't mind if I do.~"
Yelan rests her head on S/O's stomach and dozes off for a while.
S/O smiles as one hand brushes against her hair. Having her relax with them was a rare treat.
And though they didn't know entirely what she did, getting her to sleep with someone in the room meant she trusted them completely.
Plus, they knew Yelan would want to get dinner at some point tonight, no need to rush things, as she would say.
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As the Astral Express is travelling through the stars, Himeko spends a good chunk of her time with S/O, close together on the couch.
Sometimes its drinking coffee together, sometimes its talking with the other crew members, and sometimes its even just sitting together in silence.
As much as their expeditions were ways for everyone to bond, it was the quiet moments like these that Himeko cherishes with her S/O the most.
After all, no one quite knew where their final stop could be, and-
(S/O) "Himeko?"
Himeko snaps out of her mini reverie and feels S/O grab her hand, turning to look at them.
(S/O) "You alright? You were spacing out a little there."
(Himeko) "Ah, don't worry, I'm okay."
Himeko lets S/O's head rest on her shoulder and she closes her eyes, committing this feeling to memory.
(Himeko) "I just want to stay this way for a little longer..."
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Natasha lets S/O hold her after a long day, a feeling she very much welcomes.
(S/O) "Hey Nat, feeling tired?"
She hums in response, her body relaxing as their hand brushes some strands of hair out of her face.
(Natasha) "As always, my dear..."
S/O chuckled at that, and let her ramble on about her day, ranging from the state of patients or whatever shenanigans the Moles got up to.
Though she'd be right back to doing more tomorrow, for now she could at least enjoy the company of someone she loved.
It was nice to be pampered every now and then.
No objections from her when it comes to being looked after, instead of always the other way around.
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Springfield's smile grows wider the moment she sees S/O come into her cafe.
(Springfield) "Welcome back, love."
(S/O) "Thanks. Mind if I get the usual?"
(Springfield) "Already in a cup."
Making S/O sit in a nearby booth, she finishes cleaning her cups before joining them, both of them snuggling into each other.
Though she was a T-Doll, the warmth she gave off was just as real as any human.
(Springfield) "Work around the base busy as always?"
(S/O) "Psh, especially when Kalina and the Commander have me running around!"
A soft giggle escapes her lips as one hand barely moves to cover it, letting S/O continue and listen intently, all while her arm wraps around theirs.
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RO sighs when S/O asked to hold her.
She was still in the middle of processing some reports, but she supposed it wouldn't hurt.
At least no one was watching this time.
(RO635) "You have been working hard lately...Okay okay, come here..."
With a blush creeping onto her face, RO holds S/O tightly, and not giving them space to wiggle their way out.
Assuming they even would.
Hopefully, she wouldn't have to say out loud how much she loves them and that the blush on her would do all the talking.
(S/O) "RO, you're head is burning hot, you alright?-"
(RO635) "A-Ah! I'm fine just...j-just a little embarrassed."
(S/O) "I thought you'd be used to this by now-"
She turns to them pouting, but her hold on them has gotten tighter.
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haikyu-mp4 · 2 months ago
word count; 585 – f!reader
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The end of a dark season left a lot of people tired and full of melatonin, which Oikawa Toru could undoubtedly feel that particular day in February. He wanted to get some schoolwork done in the library and sat across from a pretty woman by a table in the corner. The notes on the page slowly started getting blurry as his studying proceeded, and he eventually closed his eyes and rested his head on the tabletop. You only noticed Oikawa when he began lightly snoring. He was wearing nice clothes, and you could appreciate that along with his other striking features. A laugh bubbled in your throat before poking his arm with the back of a pen until he picked his head up at record speed. While you held your breath, he rubbed his eyes with a small mumble, "Sorry."
Embarrassment crept up his spine, but a joyful sound replaced it as laughter rang in his ears. You chuckled at Oikawa’s sleepy face, and he decided then and there that he wanted to hear it more. For the rest of that evening, he would look over at you every time someone in the library did anything and imitated them dramatically. He emphasised his facial expressions, sometimes even crossing his eyes or repeating their sentences. It made you laugh every time. This man was undoubtedly incredibly charming. "You're distracting me," you whispered, leaning slightly over the table and looking him in the eyes.
"What's the hurry?" he whispered back, genuinely wondering.
"I have a project," you informed him, followed by a heavy sigh as you leaned back in your chair to look at your notepad. "A big one." Instead of leaving you to work, this caught Oikawa’s attention. He switched seats to be beside you and looked at what he had supposedly distracted you from.
To his surprise, drawings of clothing and cutouts from magazines filled the pages. Funky coats and tailored pants seemed to be prominent on the page in a variety of colours and illustrated textures. "Fashion design? Amazing."
"I think so too, but we have to make a small collection, and I've created so many pieces that I'm struggling with making it all work," you rambled, and Oikawa showed that what you said genuinely interested him. His intrigued eyes almost made you lose your words.
"Can I help? I'm Oikawa, by the way." His look reminded you of a soft puppy as he held out his hand. What he said was interesting, though, and you didn’t expect it. He did dress very well, from what you had seen so far.
You took his hand, lingering for a second too long. "Y/n. I would like that, but don't you have anything you should work on?"
"It's not nearly as interesting," Oikawa answered quickly, closing his books for dramatic effect.
Thus, you met again one day later, in the same seats, looking at what you had so far. Immediately, it felt like you were old friends, not afraid to ask questions or make jokes.
Arms crossing over each other’s, moving cutouts and exchanging ideas in hushed voices made you forget everything around you until you finally agreed on one outfit. Oikawa even had some exciting ideas for each piece. Sitting back in your chairs with wide happy grins, you gave each other a high five. A loud clap rang through the room, and several heads turned, so you acted like you didn't know where it came from either. A dynamic duo in the making.
The Schoolyear Series ║ masterlist
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as-is-above-so-below · 1 year ago
Cardigan - John Price x F!Teacher!Reader
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Part 2: Midnight Rain
summary: you get yourself in a pickle a/n: hi! I return again! I'm sorry it's short, but I'm trying a new method of posting. Instead of aiming for a specific word count (which leads to me getting writer's block and not posting ANYTHING), I write until I'm satisfied with what I'm trying to achieve. Hopefully, I've achieved that goal, and y'all like it :) Blessed be! << Previous | Next >>
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You drummed your fingers against the notebook in your lap and gnawed on the top of your pen. It was late, even by your standards; the sun had long since set, and dinner eaten hours ago. But you were up, sitting in the dark in your living room, heavy rain pelting your old windows. You were trying to pull together a new lesson plan for the following day. A few curious students had started asking questions about the modern military. Like, key differences between military strategies used in the time they were studying and today. And, of course, yet again, you made promises that you were struggling to keep. And you always keep your promises to your students.
The internet wasn’t helping at all. You didn’t study military strategy in any of your courses. Was that even a thing?
The last thing you wanted to do was call him. You were so confident that you could solve your problem yourself, at nine o’clock. Now, it was past midnight, and you were absolutely desperate.
Before your tired brain can flood with guilt and change its mind, you grab your phone from your nightstand and tap into your recent calls log. Your stomach churned, anxiety bubbling up with every trill. God, it’s so fucking late to be calling. It felt like you were split in two. One half of you was praying that his phone was on silent (you know it’s not) or he’ll sleep through the ringing (he won’t), while the other–the miserable, exhausted half–needed him to pick up.
The latter won out.
“Y/N? Are you alright?”
John’s deep, sleepy voice made you feel guilty and incredibly happy that you’d woken him up. Soft and grumbly, rolling in his chest; it made you feel soft and warm inside…
Not the point of the call.
“Hi, John. I’m completely fine, I just…” You took a deep breath, the heel of your free hand pressed into one of your dry, worn-out eyes. “I know you’re this big important captain, and you have work in the morning, but I’m in a bit of a pickle and need a massive favor.”
There was a slight rustling on the other end like he had turned slightly to check the nearby time. “It’s one o’clock in the morning, love,” he mumbled.
You felt even worse. “I know, I’m sorry. Please don’t hate me,” you begged, running a hand over the top of your head. “One of my kids asked about the military. It sparked a whole discussion in class, and I may have overstated my knowledge. I barely know anything about it, and my brain is turning to mush. I’m so tired I wanna cry, and-”
He quickly cut off your rambling. “Woah, hey. Slow down there. What’s going on?” he asked, suddenly sounding much more awake. 
That brought you pause. You honestly hadn’t thought what you would ask if John actually answered the phone through. It was one o’clock in the morning, which John had correctly pointed out, and your brain wasn’t operating at full capacity. 
“I was…wondering if you could give me a lesson. Because I’m super tired, and I like to hear you talk.”
“…You do?”
“Yeah. I’ve learned a lot from you just…talking to me? But I’m a history teacher. I’m an expert on wars, not war.”
There was some shuffling on the phone. On the other line, John was leaning over the edge of his bed, searching blindly for his little pocket planner in the pile of clothes on the floor. The rustling stopped when he placed the device on his pillow, rifling through the calendar. He sniffed and was quiet for a moment, while you nibbled anxiously at your pen. Again.
The silence finally broke with a tired sniffle from John. “I can do you better. Why don’t I come to your classes tomorrow?” he asked.
You froze, pen still between your teeth. John? Coming to your school? Spending the day with your students? That would be the equivalent of introducing your boyfriend to your children. 
Could you even call him your boyfriend? You’d been on a few dates, sure, over the last…two months? No, it was closer to three. Had it been that long already? You did some quick math in your head. You’d gone on about one date a week, with a few canceled due to last-minute commitments. Still, about one date a week, over three months…
Holy shit.
“John, I’m sure you’re busy. I couldn’t-”
“Not at all,” he hummed, cutting you off. “Besides, it would take me ‘til class tomorrow to give you a good enough rundown, and the boss loves shite like this.”
“I thought you were the boss?”
You could practically hear a small smile tugging at John’s lips. The expression was a familiar one. The corner of his mouth quirked up, shifting his beard and creating happy wrinkles near his eyes. His nose would scrunch up a bit, too, especially if you were out in cold weather. 
“Everybody has a boss, sweetness. Myself included.”
Christ. Not the pet names. And especially not in the tired, gravelly tone his voice was currently in. John Price was going to be the death of you, even in his unfocused state.
You unfolded your legs from underneath you and moved your notebook onto the coffee table. Your resolve was fading, and you couldn’t be bothered to argue. While you did feel bad about dragging John to your school to fix the problem you created, you weren’t sure you had any other option. Accept defeat? To a group of teenagers? Absolutely not. You’d never live it down. You sighed, rubbing tiredly at your eyes. “If you’re sure…”
“I am.”
A soft smile crossed your face. “Is this just a ploy to meet my kids?”
Your sleepy giggles were like music to John’s ears. The sound alone was worth the favor. As if he wouldn’t have done it anyway, just to ease your stress. He would take any and every opportunity to make your day easier or make you happy. What he wouldn’t give to hear that laugh in person, laying beside you in your bed–
No. John’s a good man. A gentleman, he would say. A man who was perfectly capable of not acting on his urges and thoughts. At least, not in person. However, in the privacy of his own home? That was a different story.
“Thank you so much, John.”
Right. You’re still on the phone. He heard a soft click on your end of the call.
“That’d better be you closing your laptop, I’m hearing.”
“It is.”
“Good girl.” You blushed furiously. Fuck. “Get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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taglist: @novausstuff, @cutiecusp, @ittosbigfatmantitties, @helpimhyperfixating, @hihhasotherfixations, @dugiioh, @glitterypirateduck, @cringeycookies, @lethalchiralium
Copyright © 2023 as-is-above-so-below. All rights reserved.
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